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Perfect IT Backup and Recovery Solution for 2012

For a fledgling business, nothing is as important as the backup solutions you use for your data; the data your company has is the lifeblood of your business and without it, you'd be left in truly dire straits.

IT Backup solutions come in two main groups: long term backup, and short term backup.

The best combination of the two is totally dependent on your work environment and needs; armed with the information in this article, you'll be able to make an informed decision for your business.

Short term backup is the simpler of the two; short term backups are backups made on another hard drive or similar media, and contain an image of a file at a particular time. The most popular windows-based solution is a product called Volume Shadow Copy, an inbuilt feature of windows. VSC and the accompanying volume shadow copy service take instant, detailed images of your files, and store them in offsite. Your IT solution can use these files to replace accidentally deleted or missing files in seconds, and is a painless way to avoid calamities.

Short Term Backup Solutions are fine for small backups, but for larger and more complete image files, a business need turn to a more long term solution. One of the most popular long term backup solutions is a tape-based deck, that holds information on a magnetic reel. These can hold massive amounts of data, and can be stored off site. The major benefit of being stored in a far off location is, if something were to happen to the actual building your business is located in, you can rest easy knowing that all of your data is stored elsewhere.

No matter the solution you choose, having a backup in effect is crucial for every business.

Accidents do happen, and those ill prepared will suffer while those who put the time and effort into backups will survive fine. In a business climate that's competitive and cutthroat, having any and every advantage is vital to have your business survive, and flourish in hard times.

This is doubly true for those businesses headed and staffed by a handful of people: any task you can delegate elsewhere is time saved and money made. In the end, those who are pragmatic and do frequent backup will be the ones left standing.