3D Reslicing using COMKAT image tool (basic)
Reslicing 3D image volume using COMKAT image tool (basic)
Reslicing a 3D (or 3D vs time) image dataset can be accomplished using the COMKAT image tool and sliceVolume(). This example explains how to create image slices from a volume in at a position, plane orientation, and magnification. The approach is to load the image volume dataset into an instance if an ImageVolumeData (abbreviated IVD) object and to use the sliceVolume() method.
sliceVolume() is a mex-file written in c with an interface to MATLAB that makes the operation particularly efficient. COMKATImageTool uses sliceVolume() and you can use it too.
Approach 1.
Load a file using COMKAT image tool and use the functions to translate and rotate the image volume as you desire.
ivd = ImageVolumeData();
Use read data to ivd, e.g. read_DICOM();
ivd = read_DICOM(ivd, pathName, fileName); % load volume into an instance of IVD object;
Create a list of indicies of all pixels in slice that we are creating
[i, j] = meshgrid(0 : Nc-1, 0 : Nr-1); ij = [c(:)’ ; r(:)’]; % make matrix, each column corresponding to a single pixel in the slice we are creating
(set up coordinate transform for desired slice) ref p 275
M = (Insert the method for generate the transformation);
User specifies this based on desired pixel spacing (aka zoom), position (location), orientation Calculate physical (mm) location of each pixel in the desired slice
xyz = M * ij;
this documents physical location voxels in the volume
Mhat = ( transform for the stored volume)
Load a file using COMKAT image tool and use the functions to translate and rotate the image volume as you desire.
ivd = ImageVolumeData();
Load a file using COMKAT image tool and use the functions to translate and rotate the image volume as you desire.
ivd = ImageVolumeData();
Create an empty imageVolumeData object
Send the GUI handles of COMKAT image tool to MATLAB workspace.
Create the function for reslicing
Create following MATLAB function:
function outputVolume = fcnReSlice(GUI_handles, a_row, a_column, a_plane, flagUseCurrIvd) %%*****************************************************************************%% % Example: Using ImageVolumeData::sliceVolume() to reslice 3D images % e.g. % outputVolume = fcnReSlice(GUI_handles [, a_row, a_column, a_plane, flagUseCurrIvd]); % % Parameters - % GUI_handles : GUI handles obtained from comkatimagetool % a_row : Desired aspect ratio in row direction (default: 1.0) % a_column : Desired aspect ratio in colume direction (default: 1.0) % a_plane : Desired aspect ratio in plane direction (default: 1.0) % flagUseCurrIvd : A flag to control the data used to reslice % ( 1: Current COMKAT ImageVolumeData (default), 0: Original) % outputVolume : Resliced 3D volume images % % % Dylan Su 2012-07-30 % kuan-hao.su@case.edu %%*****************************************************************************%% %% Obtain the imageVolumeData object from GUI_handles ivd = GUI_handles.imageVolumeData{1}; % assume PET is image 1 if nargin == 1, a_row = 1; a_column = 1; a_plane = 1; end if nargin < 5, flagUseCurrIvd = 1; % 1: use current COMKAT image volume end if (~flagUseCurrIvd), %% Get the information from origianl data positionInput = get(ivd,'ImagePositionPatient'); orientationInput = get(ivd,'ImageOrientationPatient'); pixelSpacing = get(ivd, 'PixelSpacing'); [nr, nc, np, ~] = get(ivd, 'VolumeDimension'); nrows = nr; ncols = nc; nplanes = np; else %% Get the information from current COMKAT imageVolumeData idxSA = 1; % get infor from short axis (SA) view positionInput = GUI_handles.view{idxSA}.position{1}; orientationInput = GUI_handles.view{idxSA}.orientation{1}; pixelSpacing = repmat( GUI_handles.view{idxSA}.pixelSpacing(1),[1,3]); nrows = GUI_handles.rows; ncols = GUI_handles.columns; [~, ~, np, ~] = get(ivd, 'VolumeDimension'); pixelSpacingOrg = get(ivd, 'PixelSpacing'); nplanes = ceil(np * pixelSpacingOrg(3) / pixelSpacing(3)); end %% Calculate the desired dimension dnrows = ceil(nrows * a_row); dncols = ceil(ncols * a_column); dnplanes = ceil(nplanes * a_plane); % calcualte new pixelSpacing by preserving the original FOV size pixelSpacing = pixelSpacing ./ [dnrows/nrows, dncols/ncols, dnplanes/nplanes]; %% Set the scale and offset the same as the original volume % use same scale and offset for subvolume as original volume % 0 = scaledPixel = rawPixel * s + o --> rawPixel = -o/s; s = get(ivd, 'VolumeFrameBufferScaleFactor'); o = get(ivd, 'VolumeFrameBufferRescaleIntercept'); rawBackgroundPixelValue = -o/s; %% Determine location of first pixel in output volume posSA = positionInput; % xyz of the center of first pixel if (~flagUseCurrIvd), % for subject's data, 'posSA' is the center of the first pixel position = posSA; else % for imageVolumeData, 'posSA' is the center of the folume position = posSA - orientationInput(:,3) * (dnplanes * pixelSpacing(3)) / 2; end planePosStep = orientationInput(:,3) * pixelSpacing(3); % calculate the step of new plane position %% Build output volume plane-by-plane outputVolume = zeros(dnrows, dncols, dnplanes); % initialize the output images for idxP = 1 : dnplanes, planePos = position + (idxP - 1) * planePosStep; % position of plane to be interpolated % determine indicies in original volume corresponding to xyz physical (mm) location of plane [u, v, w] = coordinateGen(ivd, ... dncols, dnrows, pixelSpacing, planePos, orientationInput); % obtain a slice by interpolating from the ivd volumeFrameBuffer fprintf('plane ==> %i/%i\n', idxP, dnplanes); outputVolume(:, :, idxP) = sliceVolume(ivd, v , u , w, rawBackgroundPixelValue,'linear'); end
Use the function to reslice the image volume
Then, you can reslice the volume data with this function.
e.g. outputVolume = fcnReSlice( GUI_handles ); The ’outputVolume‘ is the resliced 3D volume.
Or you may input the desired aspect ratios in each direction to vary the sampled resolutions of the resliced images.
e.g. outputVolume = fcnReSlice( GUI_handles , 1.0, 1.0, 2.0); In this case, the number of sampling in the plane-direction would be doubled.
If you’d like to reslice the image volume from original image data without pre-sampling, translation and rotation, you may set the fifth parameter to zero.
e.g. outputVolume = fcnReSlice( GUI_handles , 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 0); So now the ‘outputVolume’ is the resliced volume of the original data.